卢芳国教授团队荣获《Pharma Res》(IF>5)杂志2018-2019年度最佳文摘

2019年12月24日 11:22  点击:[]


Fangguo Lu’s Group

Hunan key laboratory of Pathogenic Biology

Hunan university of Chinese Medicine

Hunan, China

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The effect and mechanism study of berberine medicated by graphene oxide/aptamer binary drug delivery system for targeted inhibition of the biofilm formation of MRSA

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Scientific Statement of Research

 Biofilms are microbial communities that are attached to a solid surface usingextracellular polymeric substances. Quorum sensing system plays an important role in biofilm formation. Therefore, quorum sensing inhibitor is a potential strategy to inhibit biofilm formation. The previous study has shown that 0.2mg/ml of berberine can inhibit biofilm formation completely. Herein, the systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) and chemical coupling built-up connection technology and so on were used to construct graphene oxide/aptamer/berberine target delivery system that recognize the surface specific markers of MRSA(PBP2a)accurately and efficiently, meanwhile, staining technique and microtechnique and so forth were used to study the inhibitory effect of berberine loaded by the target delivery system against biofilm formation of MRSA, and then highly specific nano-biosensors based on graphene oxide was constructed and used to detect and regulate the key transcription factors AgrA in quorum sensing during bioflim formation of MRSA. Compared with the control groups, the experimental group can promote the inhibitory effect on biofilm formation which indicates that target delivery system can enhance drug efficiency of berberine. In addition, the mRNA expression of AgrA can be efficiently suppressed by berberine. This method provides a mean with highly targeting and specific for suppressing biofilm formation, and break a new path for study on the prevention and treatment of drug-resistant strains by using Chinese medicine.  



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版权所有:湖南中医药大学-中西医结合学科 技术支持:西安恒远翼展信息技术有限公司